sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Around the World in 80 Trades

Oh my god! Bristol is freezing theses days!!
Last weekend my camera broke. When I turned it on, the lens got stuck in the middle of the way and there they are until now. I can't push it back or even pull it out. I tried many times but it's not working.
It's sad because I'm planning to visit some places before going back to Brazil and I'll not be able to take pictures unless I use the iPod.
The last morning I went to the salsa class again and I'm really liking it! I'm looking forward to it during the whole week! I'm not sure yet but I think there's classes on Wednesday in another pub. So lets check it out!
This week I saw a programme in an internet site called 4oD that is about a guy travelling around several countries in different continents and his objective is to make trades cutting the middle man in the old fashion way: buying the products himself from the source and transporting it to another place and try to sell there.
It could sounds very strange at the beginning, however if you watch the programme you'll realise that the way they have shown the difference between the negotiations in these countries it's very interesting.
They guy started his journey with £25,000 in his bank account that came from the selling of his flat in London and he's trying to make some profits trading all over the world.
The name of the programme is Around the World in 80 Trades and the link to it is here: I know that it's available to watch on the internet but I'm not sure if it'll be for residents outside UK. But you can try if you fancy to! I strongly recommend it!
Well, I have to go now. I'm going to meet some friends in the pub.
Take care everyone!

Um comentário:

  1. Yo Mate! When you arrive in here, buy some coconuts to sell them in the whole Europe! And some capirinhas too!! heahuehaeuh..
    Ow, you take classes in a Pub? While the teacher speaks, you drink a pint? haeuaheuaee
