quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Bad Chef!

Well, today it isn't my day!
I wanted to eat a pizza tonight so instead of going to Dominos where the pizza is really nice I decided to buy one in Sainsbury.
So I bought two frozen pizzas and came back home.
I put one in the oven and waited. After maybe 15 min I went to take a look and the pizza was ALL BLACK! hahahaha
I took it off the oven and let it out. But suddenly, the fire alarm went off!
As a security procedure, we had to go outside but I knew that the problem was my burnt pizza. So I went outside and met like 20 people complaining about who was the guilty one! hahahahahaha
I just apologized for them and waited until we were allowed to enter again the building.
Yeah.... I know... sorry guys! hahaha

Um comentário:

  1. PJ just tell me the truth! The neighbours go crazy everyday when you put a fire in the hole. hauhauahauhauahauhau
